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Power Software for Serious Litigators
  • Win More Cases
  • Win More Clients
  • Reduce Costs

Litigator’s Notebook® is a proven software solution for improving the productivity of litigation teams. It provides unparalleled access to all case evidence, transcripts, documents, witness testimonies, discovery items, pleadings, for every member of your team from anywhere, at any time.

Winning More Cases
The best litigators know that to win more cases you need to get the right information quickly reviewed, search through the evidence, and build a winning strategy. However, in today’s legal environment, the amount of data collected through e-discovery and testimonies can overwhelm most litigation teams and burst client budgets.
     The Accusit Litigator’s Notebook software gives your team the tools to quickly gather and review documents at lower costs. All information is collected to the Litigator’s Notebook Team Center and quickly organized into electronic case notebooks.
  • All information is indexed and searchable - you can investigate ideas and theories quickly and easily.
  • Your litigation team can be local or spread out across the globe.
  • Every Litigator’s Notebook user can access all documents or synchronize their laptops so they can work anywhere - offline at home, traveling, or at your client’s offices.
  • Easily organize facts and documents around specific timelines and events.
  • With instant access to all the documents, your team can easily collaborate and build the winning case strategy.

Winning More Clients
How do you differentiate your firm in your client presentations? In a head to head battle for business, you need an edge that can make you stand out.
     Litigator’s Notebook gives you the winning difference. You can show potential clients how their legal costs will be leveraged to giving their team more top level analysis of the legal strategy and sharing the evidence, testimonies, documents, and notes with co-counsel or in-house counsel.
     Instead of copying huge amounts of documents, lugging around out-of-date file folders and printed workbooks, you can show them how your laptop can have all the critical data available for meetings and strategy sessions.
     Your firm will stand out as a technology leader and knowledge-based team who will reduce low impact clerical costs, access information from anywhere, and communicate with clients faster and easier.
     Being environmentally conscious by reducing paper costs may be the extra edge you need to win more eco-friendly business.

Reducing Costs
We’ve never met a client who said the cost of litigation is cheap. However, every client wants their litigation costs to be cost-effective. The Litigator’s Notebook offers cost advantages to you and to your clients:
  • Because all information is scanned electronically, you shrink copying and filing costs (you may have filled rooms of paper binders and searched for misfiled documents or had found out-of-date versions).
  • For big cases, you can out-source scanning and reviewing to lower cost areas anywhere in the world.
  • With electronic data it is quick to search and find the exact document you need. You maintain your thinking process instead of wading through paper.
  • Your litigation team can be gathered from multiple offices (even around the globe) and staff working from home. No unnecessary travel or faxing costs.
  • You can quickly and easily respond to document production requests (with full audit trails) and even provide the information electronically.
  • Storage and shredding costs are virtually eliminated.

Call us to arrange a demonstration and let us show you how thousands of lawyers use the Litigator’s Notebook to win more cases, win more clients and reduce litigation costs.

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